Jealous artist Jessica Albarn teamed up with her parents Keith and Hazel to produce 'Unrelated Journeys' at The Stash Gallery

How often is it that you get to see the work of a mother, father and daughter all in one gallery space? 'Unrelated Journeys' at The Stash Gallery proved it can be done! 

The exhibition, showing a wide range of works from all three artists, opened at the beginning of October, with curation by Jealous. The links between the works were at first glance difficult to piece together - that is, until you started to pay attention. Work by Keith Albarn investigated detailed pattern work, an interest he has been working with since the 1970s. 

Work by Keith Albarn


Patterns and colour-work were then able to be seen within Hazel Albarn's work, a series of abstract artworks and drawings that went 'backwards and forwards in time, showing something of the diversity of [her] experience'. 

Work by Hazel Albarn


Linking mother and father together was the work of Jessica Albarn. Detailed geometric patterns, and ethereal insects peppered the pieces (one artwork was made on hand-made paper by Hazel Albarn).

Work by Jessica Albarn


Ultimately, as artists, we don't always know exactly how we are going to be influenced by others, but with this exhibition, it was clear that art does not simply appear from thin air. We are influenced by our families, our surroundings and the experiences we have.