Jealous artist Jane Dinmore teamed up with Louise Gray and Karen McLeod for exhibition 'Hold Fast'

Words from the  press release:  

We must hold fast to our rocks that provide us with joy in times of need.


HOLD FAST, a reflective, optimistic and uplifting exhibition of work by three female creators, artist Jane Dinmore, multidisciplinary artist Louise Gray and writer/performer Karen McLeod, along with a special culinary collaboration for the opening night by MasterChef winner and judge Steven Wallis.


All three artists will explore the pausing of the mind with responses to the unspoken life through language and colour. Fragments of memory and pieces of conversation spark paintings, drawings, audio, movement and written word. Interruptions and misunderstandings when trying to pause are also themes encountered in all three artist’s work.


Hold fast, be responsible, stay true and you will not only survive the storm, but you will be stronger because you made it through.


Catch all of the artists for the private view on the evening of Thursday 30th March from 7.30pm where Louise Gray will present the debut of ‘How You Act Has Power’ a choreographed and performance piece by Danni spooner and WET MESS to her spoken word single produced by Baby of Sound Talk Records. 

'Hold Fast' at Copeland Gallery

Opening Hours:

March 29th – April 2nd 10am – 6pm

Monday April 3rd 10am – 12 noon 


Find Jane Dinmore's previous print works with Jealous by clicking the images below: