MAKE TEA NOT WAR - Tottenham Foodbank

Since the horrifying announcement of war in Ukraine this week, Dave Buonaguidi reworked a design he created almost twenty years ago; his 'MAKE TEA NOT WAR' placard for the anti-war march in 2003, replacing Tony Blair with Vladimir Putin. Dave released this design as a screenprinted poster and was offering these prints in exchange for donations to the Tottenham Foodbank. As you can see, the idea was a hit and we are simply overwhelmed with the amount of food and toiletries donated so far!


Although we are now out of posters, we continue to act as donation points, so please keep the donations coming. Twice a week Jealous will deliver all your donations

to Tottenham Town Hall where they will be distributed amongst people.


Jealous will also be accepting money donations which we will add £50 to every week to directly purchase urgently needed provisions for the foodbank.

The queue for donations went all the way down Luke Street on Saturday morning.
Donations at the end of Saturday