Viewing room
Logo's I Wasn't Asked To Redesign But Did Anyway Without Permission, Probably Illegally
Dave Buonaguidi
Jealous East
27 Apr 2023 — 14 May 2023
Lipsmacking, thirst quenching, ace tasting, motivating, good buzzing, cool talking, high walking, fast living, ever giving, cool fizzing...Pepsi!
Dave Buonaguidi
Dave came to screen printing pretty late in life and has now become totally possessed by it. Anytime that he's not in the studio printing, you will find him trawling around auction sites and flea markets looking for interesting found images and ephemera that he can try and print onto. In a past life, Dave spent over 35 years working in advertising, co-founding several acclaimed creative agencies. He uses the techniques of mass communication and propaganda to create evocative pieces that connect in an emotive and humorous way.
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